
Flag is hidden - CyberEDU

Flag is hidden - CyberEDU

Flag : ECSC{a3cfc7f4f812cc4b511f6de4dc150422f49e817c0f61321852a81e6b5f3961ba}

  • Difficulty: Easy

For this challenge I use 2 tools: JADX-GUI and APKtool

Firstly I like to look in JADX-GUI to check code and resources.


Good in challenge description, we found a hint PS: stegano tools can "rock your" score => stegano + “rockyou.txt”

I use apktool d flag.apk and I search the image and I use stegcracker to find what is inside stegcracker ./flag/res/drawable-v24/splash.jpg /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

After that cat ./flag/res/drawable-v24/splash.jpg.out => fla................................................GGGGGG{RUNTQ3thM2NmYzdmNGY4MTJjYzRiNTExZjZkZTRkYzE1MDQyMmY0OWU4MTdjMGY2MTMyMTg1MmE4MWU2YjVmMzk2MWJhfQ==}


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